about Seattle

Brief Service Interruption

Turns out, going to Canada for a half-marathon + birthdays + parties + work product launches + Technical Communications homework = delays in picture uploading. Back very soon.

about Seattle

Birthday Month

Mr. T and I are May babies. In honor, we had some friends over Saturday. There was cake!

about Seattle

Japadog – Vancouver BC

Japadog Vancouver - Kurobuta Dog
I’m running the half-marathon on Sunday, so today we drove up to Vancouver BC. Our first stop after checking into the Moda Hotel was: Japadog! This was the Okonomi with kurobuta pork and bonito flakes. Mr. T and friends tried others. All good. For dinner, we hit up Legendary Noodle on Denman. Fabulous night-before dinner:
Carboloading by Me

Other great coverage of Japadog over at Wright Eats: The Year of the Ox–note the priceless helpful comments by The Gastrognome. The Gastrognome tipped us off to Legendary Noodle — the perfect place for carbo-loading.

The Japadog we visited is at: 899 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC Map Here

The Legendary Noodle we visited is at: 1074 Denman Street, Vancouver BC Map here

Japadog (Burrard & Smythe) on Urbanspoon

about Seattle

Seattle’s Toe Truck

Seattle's Lincoln's Toe Truck
Today = crazy. Beautiful outside, but I spent most of it deep in work with the occasional glance at the ships going through the canal for tomorrow’s Opening Day Festivities.

I headed home around dusk and noticed off of Northlake, under the I-5 Ship Canal Bridge that the Toe Truck is in storage there. When I first moved to Seattle, it hadn’t yet been decommissioned. Now it lives in various storage yards. Every few years I get a glimpse in different parts of town. I love that silly thing.

about Seattle

Fried Spaghetti Sandwich

Fried Spaghetti Sandwich
Every January, my friend Mary throws a fabulous pie party. Three years ago, my contributions to said party: standard Pecan Pie and Spaghetti Pie. The former is my specialty while the latter was basically baked spaghetti in a pie dish. Novel & tasty, but nothing monumental. That’s pretty much how I feel about today’s offering from Skillet. Non-remarkable.

Remaining options were grilled calamari stew, their standard yet fabulous burger, and some other soup which I’m sure would be the tastiest version of its kind but I wasn’t in the mood. The sandwich jumped right out as easy and good and tasty. It was. All morning I dealt with a busy Mexico commerce project (oh heavens the timing seems cruel and I just have immense sympathy for what’s been going on between the cartels and the flu) and I pre-ordered and found myself lucky to grab 20 minutes with a sunny view by the water.

I also realized just how much I’ve missed basil since last Summer. Time to plant.

about Seattle

I love libraries.

I love libraries.
Months ago, I heard Ruth Reichl had a new book coming out. I’ve read Garlic and Sapphires, Tender at the Bone, and Comfort Me with Apples in the last two years. I loved all three; she’s one of my favorite writers. I promptly added the new one — Not Becoming my Mother — to my library reserve list as a reminder. I forgot I’d done this until I got notice from the library system.

She’ll be coming to town for a Kim Rickett’s event on May 15. I’ll be getting a copy then but decided to go pick it up as soon as I could today. I might even be done later tonight.

about Seattle

First Arugula

First Arugula!
I’ve written very extensively about last year’s garden. This year, Mr. T’s working on it again. The arugula’s the first to arrive — it can withstand the most.

Tonight, I had zero plans. It was great. I took this picture while simmering Butter Chicken.

at home

Sunday Grillin’

First Shrimp o' the Grilling Season
For Brunch, we met up with Brandon&Amber, Adam&Gabby in Madison Park’s Cafe Flora. I’ve heard about this place for years but it took a social occasion to get me there. I went for the corncakes, but Adam’s fritters and grits sure looked good…

I did some homework right after & went up to Alderwood to do my part in boosting the economy. On the way home, Mr. T called to offer to grill up some BBQ. Y’all know I love that stuff. It was perfect fuel for the evening’s 12 mile run. One week until the Vancouver BC half-marathon!

about Seattle

Making Up for the Disappointing Alligator Soul

Kobe - Katsu at the H Mart
Several weeks ago, I heard Alligator Soul in Everett holds crawfish boils on Saturdays during the season. I had a 3-hour study group but decided Friday to make reservations for soon after the meeting. I suspected they’d get busy so I asked the woman on the phone if she was absolutely sure they wouldn’t run out. She acted like that was a dumb question.

At 1, when my group was done, I scurried home to pick up Mr. T. To say I was excited: complete understatement. We were about halfway to Alligator Soul (20 miles) when my phone rang. The hostess was calling at 1:30 to say they’d run out of crawfish. I was livid. LIVID. Livid.

We got off the interstate to reformulate our gameplan.

I consulted the G1 and remembered I’d wanted to try out the H Mart’s Kobe. We headed over to check out their katsu I’d heard about. (Mr. T fondly recalls a great katsu place outside of his Tokyo hotel where he stayed for 6 weeks on business and is looking for the stateside equivalent.) I also ordered a side of kimchi udon. Everything tasted pretty good, but I wasn’t wowed this time. I’d try again. The service, I have to note, was stellar. You don’t normally see that with a crew of young’uns working the shop.

And then we had Beard Papa. Our trip = success.

about Seattle

Gardens of Wallingford

Walking thru Wallingford
Let’s repurpose a cliche: I brake for tulips. I’ll happily dedicate vacation days to see springtime flowers, though today was not one of those days.

My team went to Tutta Bella today, in Wallingford. I had another errand to run around the same time and was sans car, so I took the opportunity to walk there from Fremont. My timing couldn’t have been more perfect. The sun came out just in time.

about Seattle

I’m on a Boat*

Yacht a la canal
*I wish!

Every day I see ships float by, from my perch. During my weekly walk to the Skillet today I noticed this high roller. The ship canal is frequented by canoes, kayaks, barges, tourist boats, and other Seattle-y whatnot, but the yacht is a little less common at a handful a day. Thanks to Andy Samberg, nowadays I start humming the “I’m on a Boat” song to myself when I see these yachtees.

Tonight, I met up with an old friend. We go way back to our days as legislative interns at the Utah State Capitol. I’ve missed her in the 13 years since we’ve seen each other. So much has happened…we spent 5 hours catching up at Brouwer’s.

It was really great to see her again.

about Seattle

Goonies by Brown Derby at the Rebar

Goonies by Brown Derby
Remember Hello, Clarice? The Brown Derby is back at it again all week, with their interpretation of the Goonies. Motomotoyama & friends saved me a seat so I could join them after a quick post-work disco nap.

I’ve yet to see the ’80s movie, but I hear I’m not missing much more than what I learned at tonight’s theatrics.

about Seattle

MOHAI at Spring

The weather doesn’t get more perfect than today’s. It might’ve hit 80 at one point.

I had a meeting at MOHAI in Montlake. Afterward, I went with friends to Quinn’s. I’ve heard so much about it — it lived up to the hype. Hours later — and too late for trivia — we realized we’d stayed out way late on a school night. Totally worth not making it home until midnight.

about Seattle

Carnes Argentinas

Carnes Argentinas
We’d spoken of plans to visit some friends downtown. But at the end of the workday, we decided to grill up some jalapeno burgers instead. This is Mr. T in the souvenir I brought him from Buenos Aires in November 2007.

about Seattle

Recent Swanson’s Haul

Recent Swanson's Haul
Weeks back, I picked up a batch of new herbs from Swanson’s on the assumption that Snowpocalypse killed most. Turns out, my mints and oreganos were hardier than I expected. I bought obscure kinds, so most complemented the current upcoming crop just fine.

about Seattle

Impromptu Dinner Party; Ends in Cartagena

Cartegena Dudes
To commemorate our good fortune with the weather gods, we invited two other couples over at the last minute for an impromptu games. It ended in Cartegena & many, many hours later.

Quote from a guest regarding Mr. T’s grilling prowess, “This is the best steak I’ve had in the last five years.” That’s mah man. We served it with asparagus (it’s Spargelzeit!) and a Greek Pasta Salad. Such spontaneity meant I lapsed on dessert, but the chocolate stash saved the day.

I hope we do this again soon.

about Seattle

Rhubarb, Rhubarb Everywhere

Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake - Skillet
Lunch was my weekly trek to the Skillet Airstream. An eclectic week for me: Cucumber Mint Fresca, Tom Kha Gai soup (trying to find a stateside equivalent of a brilliant version I had at Cafe de Jaren in Amsterdam last year), and a veggie poutine with fontina. The soup was everything I hoped for, but not more. Just solid.

I picked up their Rhubarb Upside Down Cake for late afternoon was still pretty full in time to head across the street to dinner at Mr. T’s daytime haunt. And what was for dessert there? Rhubarb Crumble. I guess it’s a sign that Spring might be for reals.

about Seattle

Housemade Fromage Blanc – Spur

Fromage Blanc at Spur
Tonight was Burger of the Month night. We headed to Belltown to go to Spur. On the menu: crispy pork, fromage blanc puff pastry, the Bison Burger and Pork Sliders for Mr. T. Dessert: Almond Sorbet. It was amazing. After dinner, we headed to the Via Trib opening dinner but left quickly due to the mass of humanity.
Via Tribunali Belltown Opening

about Seattle

on the street

on my street
The day started like any other in early Spring – rainy, gloomy. By dinnertime, the sun arrived. I walked up and down the street before the pizza man arrived.

With my MacBook as my witness, I will file my taxes tonight!
on my street

about Seattle

Happy Monday

Crab Cake Salad
Forgot to cart in my lunch, so we turned this into an opportunity: Crab Cake Salad at Homegrown, to go!