about Seattle

Trivia Night: Two Weeks Running

Pub Trivia night
Oh, hey, trivia for the second week in a row! And motomotoyama introduced me to the Quiznight site yesterday, so we might start investigating additional options. I <3 trivia. I pretty much have a degree in it. At trivia, I drank way too much diet Coke too close to my bedtime. Alas. Tomorrow will be rough.

about Seattle

You know you gotta hand growin out yo head?

As seen in Fremont while walking to pick up my takeaway yesterday.

I ran a ton of unexciting errands tonight, so today’s most notable event was fabulous dinner. My sandwich obsession continues. I’m trying to use up our basil before the temperatures drop, so we had caprese sandwiches: buffalo mozzarella, basil, tomatoes on La Brea baguettes. I’m on the hunt for another basil recipe as we have at least two to three more meals possible.

about Seattle

“That picture’ll cost you $5”

Old Skool Benz
Or so kiddeth the Valet at Pacific Place as two of his colleagues hovered nearby this vintage Benz. I was handling some bizness at the Mothership on Sunday afternoon and caught this on my way back to the parking garage.

Shortly afterward, I went home to spend 3 hours reading in the backyard. And documenting the garden.

about Seattle

Burn After Reading

My Favorite Character
After my 8-miler, Mr. T fired up the grill for salmon. Then, we caught Burn After Reading in the U-District. I didn’t know much going into the show and was wildly amused by both George and Brad.

about Seattle

Bizzarro World

Way to Break My Heart, Dudes
One of our favorite restaurants is Bizzarro in Wallingford. We haven’t been eating out as much — thanks to Summer garden successes and other catered meals — and last week, Mr. T nominated Bizzarro after a household carbo-loading planning discussion. It’s a little pricier than a daily spot, but justified whenever I start to fantasize about their fig-gorgonzola-red-wine-reduction starter. I’d been thinking about it for days. I was also looking forward to their spicy puttanesca.

Note to self: make reservations. Then you won’t be disappointed a place is unexpectedly closed for a private gathering.

We went to another pasta place 2 blocks away. Paled. The service was really good, so I won’t call ’em out here.

about Seattle

Sun Villa: Week 1

Sun Villa
Tonight, my new bowling team played at Sun Villa, in Bellevue. Most of the folks participated in last season’s Underdog kickball team. I overheard that they were previously called “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Gutter.” Someday, I’ll re-purpose that.

Already, I’ve forgotten my score. I got several spares, so maybe I got close to 100? Certainly outperformed last year’s Gutter Fabulous average.

about Seattle

Trivia Night

For months, a friend and I have talked about hitting up a trivia night. Well, this week was finally it. We met at a place not too far from my neighborhood and joined an established team, thanks to Mer. Sadly, we were not the most triumphant. We placed third, only 2 or 3 questions short of the winner.

If only I’d known the name of the Jewish month that was also the name of a river in Sweden that was also the name of a car (missing a letter). Or maybe the author of “Death in Venice.”


about Seattle

New Neighbor

Once upon a time, preschool-aged twins lived down the street. They had Dino (a Green T-Rex) living in their bushes. They moved away a year ago. The new homeowners found a suitable tenant: The Giraffe. He set up residence over the weekend.
Giraffe-spotting in Roosevelt

about Seattle

Book Club: Catch-22

The View from Keaver's
This month’s book: Catch-22. I wish I could say I could get into it. Maybe I did 140 pages? Not sure. Most of the group did not make it through the book either, but 2 watched the movie (I started suggesting that weeks before).

We met at Keaver’s, in West Seattle. He has a great view of downtown. This was my drive-by shot as we were headed out the door.

about Seattle


Evil Shoes
Shortly before the 20-miler, I realized I wanted replacement running shoes. The old ones’ right shoe picked up a squeak. This annoys after mile 1. Srsly.

I stopped at my local running shop for a new pair. Turns out they’d discontinued my beloveds. Bummer, as it’s a model that didn’t blister my left foot. (The right foot? Rarely an issue.) I’ve sadly learned these do not have the old magical non-blistering powers, despite being ultra-cushiony and not unlike walking on clouds.

Mr. T suggested more break-in time, though I’ve learned over the years that you shouldn’t have to do that. I gave them a week, or 36 miles. Tonight, I changed a variable in one final attempt and ran 4 miles. For once, both feet are wounded. Boo. I shudder at possible permanent damage given the mileage I’ll do through October 5.

They go back tomorrow, before the weekly long run (12 miles). I may go back to the old squeaks for the occasion. I can’t hear ’em with the iPod going.

about Seattle

Choices, Schmoices

Practical? Or Colorful?
Yesterday’s hecticness? Rolled all the way through until 6 AM this morning, when I pulled up to home.

I napped for four hours and kept myself awake by running errands. Downtown, I planned to exchange jeans. I did not plan for this coat sidetracking. I blame sleep deprivation for making this color decision seem so monumental. Both came home, only one should stay.

about Seattle

Skillet Street Food: The Fried Chicken Episode

Skillet Thursday: Fried Chicken Episode
Today started out hectic and does not look to slow down soon. I was able to steal away a few moments to pick up an order of Fried Chicken from the Skillet Street Food outpost down the street. Lawd, this was good stuff. I nearly ordered the fries (poutine-ized), but when the gun fired, chose the salad. Good thinkin’ as the fries might’ve sent me over the edge.

about Seattle

La Casa del Mojito

La Casa del Mojito
Tonight, I dined al fresco, at La Casa del Mojito with Debi as the Summer sun set. She ordered their signature steak AKA Parilla de Luigi, while I tried Pollo a la Parilla — a grilled half chicken, with tostones, beans, and rice. A little piece of heaven right there, I tell ya. Bonus: the men who run the place and bring your food — hot. Not to mention, friendly. If you’re into that.

Let the record also show that Debi is a native Floridian. She testifies they serve some of the finest Latin available anywhere. Doubt her at your peril.

I hear there’s a U-District location now. The Roosevelt one suits me jest fine.

about Seattle

Last Summery Grill

Hungarian Peppers
I’m so glad I took today off after yesterday’s long drive. A lovely, summery Seattle day — surely one of the last of the year. I ran ~8 miles in the afternoon and for dinner, Mr. T and I fired up the grill. One plant produced a dozen Hungarian wax peppers. I cut off their heads and filled them with cream cheese, before subjecting them to the grill. Mmm, good.

about Seattle

Long Haul

Heading North to Seattle
This morning, we hauled back to Seattle. Eight hours due north to get home. I took this somewhere south of Tacoma. Very shortly before that part we always reach where I wonder, “lawzy, what IS that smell?” And then it registers: Tacoma Aroma!

The full moon was huge, but we were on a mission and not stopping for dilly-dallying or photographing or scoping out the best possible angle.

about Seattle

Table Two

Table #2
We spent the afternoon wandering Ashland, after a leisurely brunch at Morning Glory, where we ran into another wedding attendee (and upcoming book club host: Keavler!). It was great to see him and his buddy, but after all the online hoopla about the place, I was…whelmed. I’m probably just not a tri-tip steak omelette kinda girl.

In an attempt to not-blog about the wedding itself, I’ll leave it at: it was a good time, y’all. 🙂

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein

about America

Louie’s of Ashland

Louie's in Ashland
We spent last night in Portland, as planned. As I always expect with the Ax, we had a late, late night in the PDX, leading to a late start south to Ashland. He is a brilliant host and was in rare form Friday night.

We arrived in time for the end of a Wedding Eve BBQ. Then, we narrowly skipped the chance to see Comedy of Errors at the Oregon Shakepeare Festival. But, Mr T was hungry. As he’d so kindly driven the entirety of the 8 hours from Seattle thus far, I didn’t push the issue and we bid Captain Amy and the Butcher to have fun while we wandered the town.

Ashland makes its name catering to the Festival-goers. We’re lucky to have found Louie’s, a place with American standards (burgers, pizza, fancy sammies, tacos) with a nod to bistro presentation but not the prices. The food was excellent and the setting was nearly perfect.

about Seattle

20 Miles? Check.

Matthew's Beach
I ran 20 miles this afternoon, after packing and before driving down to Portland, where Mr T’s good friend lives. This is Matthew’s Beach in northeast Seattle, conveniently located on the Burke-Gilman.

Weekend plans include a wedding and a visit to Ashland, OR.

about Seattle


Copper Gate
Sprizee‘s dude had a birthday a few weeks ago. Other events conspired against a surprise party then, but we made up for it tonight.

I’ll say it again: Simply Desserts in Fremont is wonderful. We had the truffle chocolate cake to celebrate with the Copper Gate’s Scandinavian fare.

at home

A Tomato Grows in Seattle

Tomato Sighting
After our too-cool Summer, I was losing faith that our tomatoes would arrive. They may or may not ripen in time for Autumn rains, but it was heartening to catch a glimpse of these tonight.