We started our day at Vanessa’s. Traffic was so atrocious that in lieu of eating first, we headed down Alki Beach to catch the pirates at their landing. Seems the buccaneers were held up heading south on I-5 too, so we retreated back to V’s to brunch and watch from her balcony. But not before snapping spectator pictures.

Next, we headed to Rand’s 30th birthday afternoon at the racetrack.

I got so excited as we arrived at Emerald Downs. I wore my floppy hat, there was gonna be lemonade, good friends…oh the anticipation! Would I win back my $2? Would R like his pimp pirate hat and eye patch we’d scored for him on the beach?

Oops, I meant to snap this about 2 seconds earlier.
We spent hours placing bets and enjoying the company. The pimp pirate hat from me & V, et al, was well-received. I bet every round, usually rewarding clever names. My favorite was Dixie Doodle Dude with Luke Stallwalker as runner-up. Between Mr. T & me, we earned back about 50% of the outlay…okay fine, Mr. T was the only one who won anything and he placed it on the long shot of the day. Let that be a lesson!
After a brief break, we headed over to their place for great food and chitchat. Happy Birthday, R!
Geraldine is the BEST baker. Here’s the cake she made for her mister.

Who Watches the Old Men? Who?