I took a brief break around dusk to enjoy the last remnants of a lovely day. I found these rowers as I walked by the Fremont Ship Canal.
Author: Rachel
Essential Baking Company
The day after a holiday is always a little more jam-packed, isn’t it? Add to that — this morning, I finally could drop my car off to get it repaired after last month’s incident. I had to wait for clearance.
I was entitled to a rental car, which I coordinated for lunchtime. On my way back, I stopped at Essential Baking Company‘s cafe in Wallingford/Fremont (Wallingmont!) to pick up a daily special Blue Turkey sandwich. I buy their goods frequently, and have even assisted in a local cooking class for the owner, but it’s been six years since I made a point to stop in their cafe. I was not disappointed: turkey with a creamy Gorgonzola spread, red onions, greens on their multi-grain. I’m glad I got over my hesitation on the grain, as it surpassed overly wheaty expectations right into the savory tasty zone.
I might have to go back tomorrow to try more of their winter menu.
Prezzie’s Day
Today, I was home all day thanks to the federal holiday. We didn’t do much of note beyond a few homey errands here or there, so my picture is tres local. We did make a classic Americana entree of Pigs in a Blanket for dinner. They were TOTALLY awesome.
Now, don’t be a hater. If you don’t believe me on how satisfying this was? I will make you a dinner of Hebrew Nationals wrapped in biscuits. With a side of Hot Beaver.
March Book Club
This month, we read Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn. The book took me about 2 hours to read this afternoon, before book club. We journeyed to Keaver’s for our discussion. Good turnout, good discussion, and caught up with a few folks I hadn’t chatted with in a while. Next month, we’re on to The Watchmen.
Happy Valentine’s Day
University Seafood
Mr. T & I stopped at University Seafood on our way home today — for provisions for a Valentine’s Dinner tomorrow of Trout Meuniere Amandine. Tonight, we’ll be headed to Greenwood for their monthly art walk.
Cap Hill
Evening Commute
I left at the same time as usual, but see how we’re inching towards Spring! Almost by 6, there’s now a fine dusk to accompany our way home from Fremont.
Tonight, I spent with folks in Burien. Sometime, I’ll head back to check out more taquerias and the Hans’ German Delicatessen. On my way there and back, I watched the coolest sight — planes low over I-5, heading into Boeing Field and SeaTac.
Tonight, Mr. T & I met up with friends for Burger of the Month Club. I ordered mine medium-rare with bacon and cheddar. Other options included provolone or swiss.
For the first half, the burger was great. As it cooled, it got drier but overall a solid B. A solid contender against the other from Sunday. Mr. T ordered grilled cheese with Tomato Basil soup — definitely a winner.
Hey, We’ve Got Snow!
Lunchbox Laboratory
Mr. T and I met with friends today at Lunchbox Laboratory, over in Ballard. Mr. T and I had from today’s menu: the Burger of the Gods (gorgonzola & caramelized onions), Heath Toffee Mocha shake, sweet potato fries in rosemary salt, tater tots in rosemary salt, and The Smoker burger. The folks running the Lab are top-notch. Here’s the main lunchbox wall.
One of our friends got the Yo Rocky, a burger with prime rib on top, provolone cheesesteak with tomato sauce. Pictured here.
Tonight, we went to see friends play at the Key Arena for the Rat City Rollergirls season opener. My allegiance is with the Derby Liberation Front, who were triumphant. Afterward, we went with other friends to Jabu and The Sitting Room in Lower Queen Anne while we waited for the derby playas to join us. We found the rainbow halfway:
Birthday Karaoke at the Kona
I walked over to the Skillet trailer shortly before noon. SDOT’s been particularly busy on the street this month, installing the new meters. Not sure what these dudes are up to, in this case, though.
I got the sausage sammy with ricotta and marinara from Skillet today. Side of mmm-mmm poutine. Should you have any leads on a potential host, they’re looking for a new place to hitch their post in SLU (South Lake Union) on Wednesdays.
From the New Phone
With trepidation, I cut the cord to the crackberry today, in order to give the Android a fair shot. This is from the first trio of pictures snapped, taken by the canal in Fremont.
Tonight is another volunteer night…there’s still a smidgen of hope I’ll make it to trivia. But, I may be sidelined due to other activities until late February.
Pesos, Centesimos
Redefining Laziness
Sunny Saturday
I just took this to remind myself later that it can be sunny here in Winter. I took time out today, to stare at the sun. Wonderful. This is what happens in Seattle. The sun comes out in Winter; people stop what they’re doing to marvel.
Tonight, we went to see Slumdog Millionaire in Ballard, after dinner with 9 friends at the Barking Dog Alehouse. Happy 9-year Seattle anniversary to me!
Tonight, Mr. T and I went with friends (sprizee and her Dude, wheelson and his artgirl) to dinner at the Malay Satay Hut in Redmond, before heading to the Skate King in Bellevue for the TBTL Anniversary Party. We rolled for several hours. Before I could grab a picture of this awesome Nacho Dispenser anniversary cake by Julia of Dozen Flours, I noticed plates & plates of it being passed around.
His shirt declares: Serious Inquiries ONLY.
Sprizee took this:
And has more pictures here.