about Seattle

Walking to Skillet

Mr. T has been working on the Eastside all week, but this morning we got to commute together. We walked to Skillet for their burger and the Moroccan Sloppy Joes: lamb with mint, pistachio, golden raisins, cucumbers, and kalamata olives. Very good.
We're Walking
Moroccan Sloppy Joes on Texas Toast

Mr. T has been makin noise about Latona Pub all week and on our way home, stopped for dinner. Our friends Eric & Anne live up the street so they joined us. Afterward, they came over for cake. I have to admit, I will be back to the LP very soon for more grilled cheese. My BLT was great, but Mr. T’s sandwich was something else.
Latona BLT
Latona grilled cheese

about Seattle

So Sunny

So sunny!
What a difference 15 feet closer to a window makes. I keep thinking we’re having a spectacularly easy slide into Spring and then remember it’s a) super cold outside b) only a day or so out from the last drizzly showers. The window seat is making all the difference in the world. I love being able to observe the quick weather change, along with the light change.

And yes, I did go back for more pho today. Yesterday was #1, today was #2 – meatballs. I brought almost all of the meat home for The Baron and then remembered dogs and onions are not bueno. Ah well, I’d say it’s the thought that counts but he probably doesn’t see it the same way.

I’m thinking Friday will be Veggie pho as Thursday will be all about Skillet.

Yes, I am always pondering my next meal or three.

about Seattle

Lucky Pho Fremont: First Visit

Pho Beef
As a pho-lover, I’m so very very pleased. Delicious, spicy, and perfect on a friggin freezing late-Winter day. I’ll probably be back tomorrow.
Lucky's Pho on Urbanspoon

about Seattle

The Butcher Wuz Here

The Butcher wuz here.
Today’s highlights: lunch with Maya! She is planning a long road-trip across the US from DC to the South then all the way west. We lunched at Tawon to catch up and to talk travel. I’m so envious of her epic undertaking.

Tonight, my ol’ pal–commonly referred to as the Butcher–came for Happy Hour with folks from my day-thing. After the group disbanded, she and I spent 4 more hours in the lobby chatting away like we hadn’t seen each other in months. (It’s been 10 days, since trivia I believe.) She left some graffiti for another friend.

about Seattle

RAB Mini-Reunion

Sometime in the last year, Mr. T learned some good old friends from his childhood time in Kaiserslautern are now in the Seattle area. They & Mr. T’s parents & sister caught up over Sunday Night Dinner. We went out for Indian but finished with dessert at our house. Mr. T’s parents brought it from Kirkland’s Hoffmann Bakery.

about Seattle

Rick Steves’ Iran

Re: Iran
In November, I caught Rick Steves speaking on Iran, but I missed some of the photos, so I went again. More than worth the time and the drive. If you have a chance to catch his one hour episode on PBS this month, I recommend it.

about Seattle

Bubblegum Day

Surprise! Today is bubblegum day. Some renegade had baskets of bubblegum in common areas today. By mid-afternoon, I was trying to recapture childhood glories of giant bubbles and mostly succeeded. Mission accomplished, mystery bubblegum supplier.
Happy bubblegum day!
Further explanation here in this handy chart.

about Seattle

Sax and the Ship Canal

Sax & the Ship Traffic
Shortly after lunch, I noticed a saxophone player out by the ship canal. I told someone nearby that with all the goings-on down there, I’m gonna hafta pick up a pair of binoculars and/or a telephoto lens. The rock garden is quite a gathering spot.

about Seattle

Deep Fried Mac ‘n Cheese

Where they have deep-fried Mac 'n Cheese
Mr. T’s boss is moving to Zurich. Tonight, he had his going-away party at Vessel in downtown Seattle. We had a great time trying all sorts of concoctions. As that party wound down, our gang wandered to Belltown’s 5 Point. For months, I’d been wanting to go there to wrangle me some Deep Fried Mac ‘n Cheese. My dreams came true! The wedges of goodness were everything I wanted and more. A smudgy smidgen-sized picture:
Blurry Deep Fried Mac 'n Cheese

about Seattle

New View

Three weeks til Spring
Over the weekend, the fine folks at my day-thing upgraded my old desk for a new location. This was the sight directly above my monitor screen most of today. I use a lightbox most mornings, but with this sunshine (early Spring tease!) I nearly blinded myself by lunchtime today. The clouds get amazingly bright. At one point it took nearly five minutes to regain normal vision when I finally left my seat. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. There will just be a little adjustment phase.

I lunched with a former colleague at Tawon Thai. On our way back, we discovered Fremont Baja Fresh has closed after nearly 5 years. My patronage has dropped off as I’ve been brown-baggin’ it when I don’t meet friends for lunch or get talked into Skillet. When I do meet friends at lunch, most non-Fremonters talk me into Thai.

I realize an elitist attitude’s nearly expected these days & I should shun such establishment chains but I will miss the good folks there. It might ‘as well have been a mom and pop shop, the way the long-time regulars treated guests. I used to order this off-menu salad that I could load up with jalapenos and cilantro and pico de gallo. Healthy for fast food. I could call in when I was in a lunch rush and when I came in, those who recognized me would greet with “Hola, Rrrrraquel!” As it goes, it’s great where they know your name. Or give you a pet nickname.

about Seattle

Ruby’s Slippers

Ruby's Slippers
Mr. T & I went to the Eastside today for his younger sister’s birthday dinner. As we were packing up to go, we noticed his six-year-old niece walking around in her “heels.”

about Seattle

Conquistador at SAM

Mr. T and I brunched with friends J&L at Wild Mountain Cafe in Ballard this afternoon. Post-brunch, I decided it was high time I made use of my Seattle Art Museum membership on the final weekend of the Edward Hopper’s Women exhibit downtown. We caught this Conquistador on the way to their other new exhibit: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness on loan from Yale.

Later, we watched Man on Wire and I finally caught my first episode of Mad Men. Both: excellent.

about Seattle

Lucky Pho: Finally, Pho in Fremont

For years, I’ve lamented the lack of pho in Fremont. We’re blessed with everything else we could want in walking distance. My cubicle neighbor spotted this before I did. I couldn’t figure out what he was describing, since there was a brand-new frozen yogurt place there. This is a great new addition and I can’t wait. Opening March 4.

Edited to add: I showed up on Wednesday since I had pho on the brain. The March 4 sign had been switched out for “Coming Soon.” Well, I’ve gone 7 years without a neighborhood option, I figure I can handle a few more days. *Sob*
Out with the FroYo, in with the Pho...LUCKY!

about Seattle

Tempting Puppies

This morning, we awoke to surprise snow. Loved that it blanketed my yard, but didn’t get in my way on the roads. At lunchtime, I walked to the Skillet trailer for a FANTASTIC BLT. While waiting to trade out my salad pre-order for Potato Leek Soup (so much more fitting for a snow day), I caught this preschooler tempting a puppy with poutine.
And a snow shot:

about Seattle

Cliff Mass at Seattle Town Hall

Waiting at Town Hall
Town Hall’s a challenge for photos at night — I never really want to whip out a better camera or use flash inside. But, when it’s the highlight of the day…sometimes the phone cam feels like the best option.

We went to see Cliff Mass speak at Seattle Town Hall tonight. I love Seattle Town Hall & I love Cliff Mass. (I never cared so much until I moved here, but as the cloud cover makes such an impact on mood, energy, and whatnot, it’s felt natural to obsess about when blue skies might return.)

Cliff Mass is on NPR every Friday morning. He talks weather patterns and forecasting. Tonight, his lecture covered Pacific Northwest forecasting history and he fielded audience questions. As a transplant who hears about past events every year, getting the back-story is good. He has a new book out: The Weather of the Pacific Northwest.

I should become a member of Town Hall already–fantastic venue for author events and speakers. Same location as the recent Malcolm Gladwell talk.

about Seattle

Sunset at Commute

Commute Sunset
As I was rushing home, I noticed dramatic clouds rolling in at sunset. Spring really is just around the corner…

about Seattle

Oscar Night in Seattle

Oscar Night
I don’t normally get into the Oscars, but tonight, two different sets of friends were having gatherings. I was able to visit both — as we were headed out the door during the post-show, I remembered to catch a shot.

about Seattle

Seattle – Discovery Park

We spent the noon hour and then some at Discovery Park, the former Fort Lawton, in Magnolia. For years, I’ve meant to visit, but this was the first. Mr. T & I took The Baron along. We found North Beach and hung out for a little, watching the birds and the dogs and the people come and go.

about Seattle

La Isla – Ballard

La Isla - Ballard
Mr. T & I met up with friends in Ballard at La Isla, a Puerto Rican restaurant. I ordered the Chuletas a la Criolla – pork chops marinated in adobo, covered with a creole sauce. They were very, very good. Mr. T got the weekend special of pernil (pulled pork). His wasn’t nearly as tasty but we made up for it with mojitos and a magnificent rum & ginger beer Don Q Stormy.

This image leaves much to be desired, but hey it was dark and I don’t really do flash in restaurants.

There was also a Twister game later, but I don’t yet have a Model Release from the participants. 🙂

about Seattle

In the Skillet Line for Penne Arrabbiata

Webbed Feet, Evolved
In the Skillet line today, this guy had on…feet gloves? I don’t know what they’re called but they make an impression!

Edited Note: I’ve since learned those shoes are Vibram Five Fingers.

I ordered Skillet’s Penne all’Arrabbiata (they called it arrabiata — which means “angry-style”) with “serrano chiles, winter greens, herbs, & garlic.” In their online description, they’d failed to note that the roasted garlic slivers were laced with savory crack. One of my favorite dishes by this gang. Here’s a shot:
Arrabiata - Skillet Street Food