In August, I’m supposed to be sick of the unrelenting Seattle Sunshine, rather than tolerate the grey and wet. That’s what Fall, Winter and Spring do: rain, grow moss, mildew, mold, make everyone feel soggy. Last year, I considered the Summer a fluke, this year, I’ve given up that dreamy expectation of being disgusted by heat. I’ll have to lift my ban on travel outside of the PacNW in the Summertime from here on out. Maybe I am being punished for cheating and visiting Jenn in San Francisco last August while she worked there briefly, but — it was only 3 days away! How much punishment must there be for those 72 hours?
Tonight, I turned into a recluse, skipped my run and watched documentaries on Rasputin, Anastasia, and Tiananmen Square. It felt right, like Thanksgiving’s just around the corner…