about Seattle

Darn Seagulls

Damn Seagulls
Today, my group had its annual White Elephant. Last year, I won a thumbs-up statue from sprizee’s Dude. This year, I grabbed a gift referencing Festivus, opened the gift and within 2 seconds realized where I’d seen it. After the shortened 4th of July excursion to the Olympic Peninsula, our friend Beth (and former coworker) gave sprizee’s Dude a Damn Seagulls cap. I was happy to pass on a Cigarette-Dispensing Donkey. Good times.

In researching the earlier statue, I found this re-enactment of last year’s statue.

2 replies on “Darn Seagulls”

Yes! That is true! I’d left out the part about the belated bday party aspect, but I remember Beth talking about heading down to Ocean Shores (or that area) with B after the rest of us headed back to Seattle to escape the deluge. Those hats are perfect from that area. DAMN SEAGULLS!

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