about Seattle

Happy Halloween!

We spent the evening on Capitol Hill, on a scavenger hunt designed by Captain Amy and the Butcher. There were about 60 different things all over the hill for us to find, in which to document ourselves. Lots of places, lots of costumes but there were a few which were serendipitous and didn’t count towards our final score. But I saved ’em for here.

The flower was an early favorite costume sighting.
Happy Flower!
Later we saw Beaker not too far from where we’d begun.
Beaker and Fairy

about Seattle

Free Piaggio in Fremont at Skillet

Free Piaggio in Fremont
Another great Skillet Street Food lunch today. I ordered the fresh baked ziti with spicy fennel tomato sauce, meatballs, and grana padano. Mr. T advance-ordered online for us and chose the grilled cheese — smoked gouda and prosciutto on rosemary bread. It was WOW. Wow, people. We topped lunch off with lemon icebox pie. I have since requested that this be served at my final meal.

This Piaggio scooter was parked close by, near the Electric Scooter shop. It’s yours, provided you haul.

about Seattle

The Dino Mobile

The Dino Mobile
I’ve been very heads down all week, for a variety of concerns. Today, I even ate my homemade Moors & Christians lunch at my desk. Around the snacky hour, Ian texted he was in the hood. I decided it was high time to take a break and test my cookie luck at the granola PCC. I frequently mock their baked offerings, but I am a bit of a lazy gambler. Only in the sense that I’m too lazy to walk further at that hour so I’m willing to chance it. More times than I care to admit, I’ve mindlessly grabbed a treat there only to later realize its vegan status. No offense to vegans, but your cookies leave me wanting on the whole. I know there are exceptions. I gather if I gave up the tasty stuff it wouldn’t offend once my palate changed, but it’s painful for an omnivore.

I digress. At PCC this month, I came across these ginger chocolate chip cookies. No vegan labeling! They are quite like a soft gingersnap studded with chocolate goodness. Lawd, I love them. They were my first thought for snacktime today. Sadly they did not surface in my bakery section scavenging. I made do with a nearly equally fantastic non-vegan cranberry and orange oatmeal cookie. PCC, you are 2 for 2. Good on ya.

So long story long, while Ian & I walked the block, I spotted this Dino Rossi Mobile. I was curious about its ultimate destination for about 2 seconds and then went back to my grindstone.

about Seattle

H&M Hold-Out

Scarf! H&M.
Weeks before the current international financial crisis, I got consumerism burnout due to unintentional fall fashion overexposure. I had a Strategy, yet ended up being mildly disgusted by all the consumption in one fell swoop despite personal affordability. I am recovering, lessons learned. Oh, the limits to my Americanism. It’s cool if you like shopping. We can still be friends and there’s a good chance I’ll go with you. No doubt, I’ll still dabble.

This burnout coincided with the advent of the U-Village H&M — I’d been waiting for years for its Seattle arrival. I love it and make a beeline when traveling elsewhere, always a foreign travel perk if there’s ever additional need for one. Mr. T the anti-shopper is always patient with this; it is another thing I love about him, item #2237. He has apparently become an anti-consumer Influence.

I’d showed up at U-Village to return something elsewhere on Friday and never made it past H&M. I finally had the option at an H&M to buy/return, so I picked up some “maybes.” Yes, genius on the part of American retailers, cause it gets ya back in store again. And again. Onto Tuesday night, today. I had a return tonight on my way home. This caught my eye, but I held off. Only $12, but Winter White! I’d kill it.

about Seattle

Getting Ridiculous

Fremont, Fall
So, this whole leaf thing is getting ridiculous. I go to upload my pictures for the day and it’s just leaves after more leaves. Maybe tomorrow I’ll purposely put it in my task list to do something different.

In other news, I am turning into a hermit. And sooper-sekritly relishing it. To further hermitude, I came home and fired up a 1969 British documentary on Western Civilization (ahem, called Civilisation) for background noise.

about Seattle

Grub Crawl in the ID

Grub Crawl - The ID
Traca led us through the ID this afternoon. We started at Kau Kau for the crispy and bbq pork, then walked through Maynard Alley over to Duk Li for dim sum. I was game to try the chicken feet but I started to bite into one, realized I was at a knuckle and said, uuummm ok, that’s all! Yep. I chickened out.

At Duk Li, my favorite dishes were the pork humbow and the garlic & ginger stuffed rolls. At Kau Kau, I was in love with the garlic shrimp.

Overall, an excellent afternoon — got to meet up with people I’ve dined with before and met a few new adventuresome folk.

about Seattle

Leaf Obsession

Fall - SnohoCO
Strangely, no pictures yesterday. Which is too bad, as I had a great photo-worthy evening with Amy in the Georgetown neighborhood, with patrons in weird hats and random pugs jumping onto my bench inside the restaurant. We’d met up at Jules Mae’s to discuss a book we both read and this turned into five hours of talking which ended only after we’d both been standing for two more hours outside of our cars. It was great to catch up.

Today, I ran errands in Snohomish County and grabbed more leaf pictures. Here in evergreen land, fall colors aren’t typically exceptionally vibrant. Not so this year. I hear our luck is due to cooler temps and less rain for October. I’ll take it. This is my favorite part of Fall.

about Seattle

More Fall

I have a few days off and spent some time today in the backyard — this is the neighbor’s. I love the red leaves amidst the green.

Tonight, I met up with Mr. T and his colleagues at the Fremont Ballroom. I asked his boss (a fellow Francophile) about the status of their Paris office. Darnitall, not quite ready for expansion in the land of cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

about Seattle

Bowling Alley Neighbor

House of Worship, from a prior life
Tonight was another bowling adventure. I scored 109, aw yeah. Any time I break 100 is a good night.

Next door to the alley is the Seattle Temple. Once upon a time in another life, I went to church in the affiliated building right behind it, when I was living in Issaquah, the next I-90 exit over.

I had an early college roommate whose Dad was this temple’s president, always a prestigious appointment. Thanks to her father having been a former mission prez in Switzerland, she was fluent in French. She helped me keep up mah skillz. She was one of the first people I knew well from the Pacific Northwest and the first Seattle diehard ambassador I’d met. Except she was really from Tacoma, but it’s all the same neighborhood. Right? Just like this temple in Bellevue’s the official Seattle one.

I wish I could remember Susan’s last name as the last I knew of her, she was married with a little girl & doing French grad work at UBC-Victoria. I bet she’s still kickin it around here.

about Seattle

Trivia: Ridiculous Night

Trivia: October 21
Tonight, we caught up with trivia again. Truth be told, it was ridiculous. It was good to see Carey, Kate, and moto again, though. And to meet a few folks.

We still placed 2nd out of maybe 10 teams? Or more? The place was busy.

about Seattle

The Great Pumpkin

…has arrived in Fremont.
The Great Pumpkin

I first noticed him walking up 34th near Phinney the other day, looming over by the Canal. While wandering the hood, I also noticed that that new-ish Fremont party venue west of Phinney on 35th is having some sort of Boo Extravaganza on Halloween night.
This is the view on the corner of Brouwer’s:
The Sun Sets on the Great Pumpkin

about Seattle

Wintering Over

Wintering Over
I’ve been fence-sitting about which picture to post: flowers? the yard? I went with the leveled garden. Mr. T does all things properly and here is more evidence. He removed all the remnants of Summer this afternoon and planted seed to replenish nutrients. But not before I harvest this on Saturday:
Green Tomatoes
This is only about a quarter of the green tomatoes, which we’d left on the vine for as long as possible. Tonight, I made a Green Tomato & Zucchini Feta Gratin from a Seattle Times article. The caramelized onions make the dish.

about Seattle

The Face He’ll Make if His Presidental Candidate Loses

I think he's flipping me off.
The ol’ gang gathered at Celeste & Ian’s for the housewarming-birthday party. We played live-action Clue, with a brief intermission by a barbershop quartet to serenade Celeste.

I didn’t go in with a competitive spirit to solve the mystery of who killed Celeste, but about 15 minutes before the end while I lounged on the chaise with moto, Ian asked me, “So you’ve solved it right?” Surprised, I replied, “Whot? What would make you think that?” He flipped back, “I’ve met you.” Yeah, we used to live together back in one of my heydays (and still consider him a big brother), so yeah, he has a good read despite my best attempts to suppress Type A tendencies. I decided to deliver to meet expectations and knew I was close. I ran upstairs to accuse and won, barely beating out Jeremy. (It was Summer in the Powder Room with Blue Cheese.)

This is later, post-Clue. I can’t remember what the inspiration was here for our resident Alien’s anger, but I imagine someone suggested that a Republican might win on November 4. (Moto’s bday — take note!)

More from the party here.

about Seattle

Breakfast Face

Mmm, breakfast
I seem to be into the totes lately. And I don’t even carry one to the grocery. (Don’t rat me out to the local granolas s.v.p.) This is Celeste’s latest.

Motomotoyama and I met up with Celeste and Ian at Luisa’s while they ate dinner, I indulged in churros, and moto had margaritas. We retired to C&I’s house where we madlibbed for a few hours. Tomorrow’s the big housewarming/birthday party!

about Seattle

I’ve Been Expecting You

I've Been Expecting You
As I heard of friends overseas receiving ballots weeks ago, I wondered when we’d get ours here at home. Honestly, I was getting worried and wondered what the procedure would be to vote if it never arrived. I’m relieved.

at home

Surprise Sunflower

Last year, we planted a new tree in the northwest corner. When Spring rolled in, we planted a few things from the Seattle Tilth sale near the base. I know I didn’t plant or buy this one, so I’m curious as to how it arrived. Sunflower fairies.

I took this after I learned that the roof was done! Hooray!

about Seattle

Fall on Queen Anne

While running errands on Queen Anne in early evening, I decided to pause long enough to catch the tree that caught my eye.

For dinner, we had our first soup of the Fall — Creamy Potato. Mr. T is a fan of the spud and had had a long day with the house project situation. Sidebar: If you feel the urge to paint newly-reconstructed eaves, call me!

Our roof is still not done. Shoot me now.

about Seattle

BookClub: Twilight

For bookclub, we met on the Eastside this month at Phil’s — we had a full house. I wanted to visit more with friends after the discussion as moto and I normally do, but dems da breaks with carpooling. Next time. I’d also been pushing to extend it into some sort of game night and move it to Saturday. In the end, we stuck with the Sunday tradition.

Months ago, someone suggested Twilight for bookclub. I’d never heard of Stephanie Meyer. That night, someone else took the book home and read all ~500 pages in a day or so. Then others jumped on the bandwagon and along came the big PR push of late summer for Meyer’s 4th novel in the series. All of a sudden Twilight was everywhere.

I predict this will be my only Meyer read. I wasn’t outright apathetic, but I wasn’t spurred on to finish until the deadline, AKA 3 AM Saturday night. Sure, we might read the second a few months down the line, but I’ll peruse wikipedia for plot synopsis and discussion highlights. It wasn’t bad. I’m envious if you found it a page-turner. I want one o’ them for myself.


about Seattle

Brand New Bag

Mama's got a brand new bag
This afternoon, I hit up Target. I seem to have no self-control with that place lately. In the Halloween section, I decided I needed a seasonal tote, for I don’t know what. One that lights up when you hit the button, or shift the contents inside. Fun! I brought it home. It’s so understated bedazzley, non?

We also watched Superbad tonight. Ugh. Kids these days.

about Seattle

Home at Dusk

Dusk under the Bridge
Y’all I am just exhausted this week, despite sleeping plenty.

I took this on my way home. I planned to lay around and do much of nothing all night, but motomotoyama called me with conspiracy to stalk her sister, Ian & co, until she gained admittance so we could all hang out at their place where the XBox and gear’s all set up already. Then we would descend to play Rock Band 2. I signed onto the plan which panned out. Good times.