about Seattle DimSumCouver international

DimSumCouver Eve

Oh, Canada Place
I started out my day paddlesurfing in Andrews Bay on Lake Washington. I am proud to report I did not fall in the water once. A miracle! Although the water seemed so perfect, so maybe I should’ve gone for it.


After my lesson with Naomi, Mr. T & I took off for The Great White North. We arrived before the rest of the crew coming tomorrow for DimSumCouver #7.

L'Abbatoir: Our Dinner

We secured reservations in advance for L’Abbatoir. It came highly recommended by LUPEC ladies who visited in March. Now that I’ve been, I understand why — the bar is right up LUPEC’s alley.

Blood Alley in Gastown
And uh, it’s right by this alley, too.

After dinner, we walked the Night Market.

Chinatown Night Market

Overall, a very relaxing and quiet evening in downtown — the quietest I’ve ever seen Vancouver on a Saturday night.

The View Over Alberni
Nighttime over Alberni

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