about Seattle

Snowpocalypse 2008

Maybe I wanted it to snow, but I wanted that yesterday on day 1 of my vacation, not today. Snow was supposed to arrive Wednesday morning but came 24 hours late. When I woke up, it was dumping. (It would not stop snowing until after the sun set.) I had two appointments today. One was canceled but the other happened all the way over in Ballard.

I figured out the bus situation & went way early which ended up taking exactly enough time. I hoped to make my afternoon by going to Than Bros. Unfortunately, the service was no bueno, the beef was virtually nonexistent, yet I had a bad reaction later…I made it home mid-afternoon. Then I thought, “Oh! I’ll take pictures! That’ll be fun!” But it was cold and at 3:30 the sun was saying goodnight already.

I made an excellent dinner though. My own version of Dayment’s Feta Pasta, except we replaced the spinach with rotisserie chicken and added Mama Lil’s goathorn peppers, which we first discovered in Portland at Apizza Scholls. That stuff is truly made of angels.

One reply on “Snowpocalypse 2008”

Beautiful snow shot! I’ve been home every day since Saturday except Tuesday either being sick, or working at home. bleh. I’m getting pretty cabin feverish! At least I got out for some snow photography the last two days!

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