about Seattle

This Charming Man

Happy Senor
This afternoon, a friend hosted a Pie Social. She is gifted culinarily and makes a mean sorbet. Today, she shared several pies and ice creams — including Salted Caramel, Vanilla Cardamom, and the French Laundry’s Strawberry Sorbet. I brought Pecan Pie Cupcakes and a Key Lime Pie. My dinner was effectively ruined, so it certainly went as planned. There was also a a peanut butter pie and a raspberry tart, which was well-loved by the hostess’ 18-month-old, Senor Onion. He went back for more several times. He also charmed everyone and I am quite taken with him.

Later, at book club hosted by sprizee, we discussed The Time Traveler’s Wife. Recommended reading!

at home

Anxiety Monkey – Flash Test Subject

Anxiety Monkey
Before heading to a party Saturday night, I decided to test out my new SB-600 flash in our living room, after dark, with the lights turned off. I was shocked that this seems like mid-day — or better, as this room is always shady. I got it a month ago from Mr. T for my birthday, but like any good Taurus, I proceed with caution on all new gadgets.

The party: good to see friends. Didn’t bust out the D80, though.

Anxiety Monkey: a dear friend gave this to me during a life-changing breakup, after a conversation where we joked I needed an anxiety-soothing pet monkey. Now, the anxiety is in the past, but Anxiety Monkey lives in the under-watered tree in the living room. Must fix the water issue.

about Seattle

BBQ Soap

BBQ Soap

Despite my love for BBQ, I find this premise disturbing.

Mr. T and I were in the Ballard hood shopping for my friend Natala’s Prep Party for Saturday night. Smokin Pete’s is a long-time stand-by of ours, and close to Ballard’s Goodwill which did not have old-skool penny loafers, as I’d hoped.

My other pictures were better, I promise, but this was more notable.

at home

Flowers across the Yard

Flowers in the Yard

I guess we’re headed into Summer, given that all the flowers are starting to fall. The high today was in the 50s. Too cold!

I skipped out on a number of social opportunities tonight, but got my first 3 mile run in, since my surgery 3 weeks ago.

at home

My Poor Basil

Poor Basil

When we put in the garden a couple of weeks ago, I bought some starter basil to supplement the basil I was growing from seed. Looks like the cold Spring might have done in the poor plants. It’s been in the 40s and 50s all week. I might start all over on some of the plants. I hope it’s not too late.

at home

The Audacity

The Audacity to Win

Tonight was dinner with friends during a volunteer planning meeting. When I came home, Mr. T mentioned the evening’s historic event, with Obama earning enough delegates to get the D nomination. Just a few days before, I’d gotten this book from my beloved library. I’d already listened to Faith of My Fathers a while back. I wonder if the election season will be as exciting as the primaries. I hope.

about Washington

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge

Frogger on the Nisqually Delta

This morning, Maya picked me up at the crack of dawn to meet up with some folks to drive down to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. The weather was COLD, but not too bad for our 5.5 mile walk around the delta. We saw this guy pretty early into the hike. His big buddy, Toad, hung out nearby, too well-camouflaged on an old board for photography purposes.