about Seattle

Boxing Day 2010

Boxing Day Sushi
I woke this morning as Mr. T was returning from Kung Fu class. How appropriate for Boxing Day.

We did a whole lot of puttering and decluttering with the TV on as background noise. 4 movies in 24 hours — with a common thread of Hugh Grant. Turns out, it doesn’t feel like Christmas until I’ve gotten my Bridget Jones Diary & Love Actually watching in. For Christmas, Mr. T also gave me a new flat panel TV to use in the treadmill room. (I am a longtime Netflix Running Plan devotee, and this is a major step up from my laptop perched on top of 10 thick cookbooks.)

We went for sushi at Village Sushi. Excellent service, good Agedashi Tofu and Oshinko (japanese seasonal pickles), and a decent spicy Dynamite Roll, though not fiery enough for me! I am a special case, though.
Village Sushi on Urbanspoon

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