about Seattle

Annual Book Club at Golden Gardens & G’s Ice Cream Social

Bride & Groom, at Golden Gardens
In the Summertime, Golden Gardens is a popular wedding destination. The couple above came out to the waterfront for pictures, right at sunset.

For the 2nd year in a row, we had book club at Golden Gardens’ beach. Officially, the book was Ramona Quimby, Age 8, but it wasn’t exactly mandatory despite the short length. We ate fried chicken, hung out, & watched the spectacular sunset.

Golden Gardens

Earlier in the day, my friend Gennie invited a bunch of us over for an Ice Cream Social, where we were wowed by homemade butter pecan, gelato & an assortment of other ice creams, fudge sauce and … pickles. (Love them.)

I am always enchanted by her 2 children. This is her new daughter, DJ Plum.
I call this "DJ Plum at the Controls"

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