about Seattle

Trekking to REI

Does anyone else get that travel anticipation anxiety that drives you to the R.E.I. in the days leading up to an adventure?

I went for a North Face waterproof raincoat tonight. It doesn’t feel its price nor more substantial than a number of other coats I’ve had. But the guy at the fancy store tells me the material provides a miraculous force-field shield against rainy elements.

We’ll see. At least I got to use my membership?

about Seattle

That Time We Did Trapeze

<yoda>Do or do not. There is no try!</yoda>
taken by natalie
Today, I flew on a trapeze at SANCA in Georgetown. It took about 20 minutes to calm down between each of the 4 tries.
A Long Way Up
taken by me to remember what might’ve been the scarier part of the adventure
Maybe someday, I’ll meet the catcher on the other swing.
Our Catcher

about Seattle

The Sundae at the Icon Grill

It was good, but this deserved to be submitted to This is Why You’re Fat dot com. This was the size of a human head. And between 8 of us, we couldn’t finish one.

about Seattle

Matzoh Matzoh Man!

Matzoh Man
Tonight, at Debi’s for Shabbat, we met Matzoh Man during dinner. He sings, he dances!

about Seattle

Will I find this an abomination?

Will I find this an abomination?
My nearby “natural market” had a muffuletta in the deli case today. I was so tempted.

Today’s most exciting moment: my mom sent Heavenly Hash from Louisiana! It’s my favorite Easter candy. There were also the traditional Gold Brick eggs amongst other gems.

In real April Fool’s News:
I feel for this prank first thing this morning. But at least I caught on immediately when the alternate door had the same sign.
I'll admit this got me on the 1st door