about Seattle

Last Louisiana Day of ’09

in my mom's backyard, November
I felt compelled to put the pretty flower on top, from my childhood backyard.

But what I really loved today was the Buffalo Shrimp.
Buffalo Shrimp
How have I never tried this before? Shrimp a la Buffalo Wing? Delicious. We had these at Sammy’s Grill on Highland while watching the Ole Miss/Miss St game, shortly before driving to the New Orleans airport.

The rest of the meal was okay. After a week of excess, I’d fancied my grilled shrimp poboy would be a healthier version of a beloved fried shrimp. There was way too much mayo on it — I consider it a wash. I was so focused on the Buffalo Shrimp and my un-pictured Jalapeno Cheese Fries (love this convention) that I can’t remember what Mr. T had…oh, wait, it was the Roast Beef Poboy. That was alright, too.

Sammy's Grill on Urbanspoon

3 replies on “Last Louisiana Day of ’09”

I love Sammy’s but yet somehow have never had the buffalo shrimp! Was it a special? I also really enjoy the grilled shrimp poboy but I always get mine with no mayo so I guess I had better experiences than yours. Cheers!

Thanks, Jay! I liked the buffalo shrimp a lot. You should try them!

And thanks for the tip — I will definitely order my grilled shrimp without mayo next time.

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