at home

My New Precious Air Conditioner

I love you, my little AC
Yesterday evening was spectacular, but I left out the part mid-day where I started losing my mind. I could feel my brain melting. My house was an oven – this was extraordinarily unsettling. The only relief seemed to be at work or in my car. Neither is for relaxation.

Someone on the twits told me there was an AC at the Wallingford Bartell Drug. At lunch, after mailing a package I stopped in two buy the 3rd to last left in store.

We were too exhausted to install the AC last night, but Mr. T set it up before I got home from work. Our room was like walking into a refrigerator. Nothing, I tell you, nothing feels better than a cool room on a hot day.

2 replies on “My New Precious Air Conditioner”

Yep, next heat wave, I’m tempted to call up friends to come hang out in our room. Well, that might be weird. But fun and cool!

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