about Seattle

The Neighbor’s

At the Neighbor's
This afternoon, I took care of errands for my friend’s upcoming wedding. Tonight, I biked for an hour through Ravenna, up the Burke-Gilman trail, then back home via Viewridge.

The sun is setting earlier and earlier…but my neighbor’s flowers are still rallying.

about Seattle

Sk8r on the Hill

Early afternoon, I ran a dozen miles. Late afternoon, I visited the Aveda place on Capitol Hill. I spotted this in a rush to an ATM.

In the evening, motomotoyama, Mr. T’s coworker & his wife came over to BBQ. We never made it to the games but they all stayed a good long while for conversation.

at home

Guarding the Porch

Hanging out on the Porch
After yesterday’s celebrations, today was blissfully low-key. Well, if you don’t count the raucous good-bye lunch.

This was on the scene as I arrived at home. For dinner, I made stuffed zucchini.

I hope you’re not scared of spiders. They’re good luck!

about Seattle

Farewell at the Ballroom: Time, Love

At the Ballroom
Many of the best friends I’ve had in Seattle have been co-workers at some point. Tonight, we had a farewell gathering at the Fremont Ballroom, for a very good old friend of mine. I’m pretty sad to see her go.

A few months ago, during training for the Whidbey Half — an event in which this friend participated by walking — I listened to On Beauty by Zadie Smith. I remember being at the end of an eleven mile run near Laurelhurst, and stopping in my tracks, when the narrator dropped the line “…he didn’t realize…Time is how you spend your love.” Indeed.

I’m pretty beholden to my blackberry scheduling system where I prioritize tasks and whatnot with shocking fanaticism. I find myself ridiculously concerned with meeting self-imposed deadlines. Yet, when I heard of this gathering, I cleared the decks for the evening and posted all tasks ahead, completely devoted to this activity. There wasn’t any way I wouldn’t be spending my Time here.

about Seattle

Details Inside!

Mildly Disturbing
This came in the mail today. Yeah, double-take!

Today was mellow. Went to the library after work, then ran 9 miles. Uneventful, which is such a blessing, don’t you agree?

about Seattle

En Route

I <3 Baggage Handlers
En route to a meeting, I spotted this in a window in Madison Park. Wonder if it works? I’m more than happy to test it out.

about Seattle


Bluebird Capture: Averted
Yesterday’s obsession with Gustav continued into today. While I was scouring the Series of Tubes, I noticed this pretty bluebird just outside the window. I moved slowly & swiftly to capture in time, but alas. He hopped higher.

Tonight, I made this recipe of blondies, with super-rich chocolate. Practice session.